I. General provisions § 1
- The General Meeting of Members (hereinafter referred to as the "General Meeting") is the highest authority of the Association.
- The General Assembly may be ordinary, reporting or extraordinary.
- The Annual General Meeting is convened once every 4 years.
- The Annual General Meeting is convened once a year.
- The Extraordinary General Meeting is convened in accordance with the Association's Statutes.
- The General Meeting shall be convened by the Board of Directors of the Association, which shall notify the members of the date, place and agenda no later than 14 days before the meeting.
- The agenda and the date of the General Assembly shall be set by the Board of the Association.
- The Management Board of the Association attaches the draft agenda to the information about the General Meeting of Members.
§ 2
- The General Meeting is opened by a representative of the Association's Board of Management and then the assembled members elect the chairperson of the meeting from among an unlimited number of candidates in an open vote.
- The elected chairperson of the meeting shall carry out the election of the minute taker in the manner set out in paragraph 1.
§ 3
- The General Assembly deliberates in accordance with the Association's Statutes and according to the rules of procedure adopted by it.
- The proceedings of the General Assembly are chaired by the Chairperson assisted by the Minutes Officer.
§ 4
- All members of the Association are entitled to participate in the General Meeting, each member being entitled to one vote.
- The General Assembly shall be attended by
- ordinary members with a casting vote
- in an advisory capacity - invitees, honorary and supporting members
- Members wishing to take part in the discussion of a particular item on the agenda of the meeting shall come forward in turn to speak.
§ 5
Ordinary members - within the meaning of § 4, paragraph 2 of these rules - are persons who have joined the Association and fulfil the requirements set out in the Association's Articles of Association.§ 6
Minutes of the General Meeting shall be drawn up and signed by the chairman and the secretary. The minutes should contain: the date, the agenda, the names of the chairperson and the secretary of the meeting, a brief description of the discussion, the results of the voting, the numbers and the content of the adopted resolutions, the full texts or basic data of the approved plans and the attached list of the presence of the members of the Association.II. Electoral matters § 7
The election of the authorities shall be secret, direct and shall take place from among an unlimited number of candidates by an absolute majority of votes in the presence of at least half of those entitled to vote, unless otherwise provided for in the Articles of Association.§ 8
Candidates for election to the Association's authorities may be proposed by all the persons specified in § 5 of these Rules of Procedure, having first obtained the consent of the candidate concerned.§ 9
- The authorities of the Association, apart from the General Assembly, are:
- The Management Board, with the composition set out in the Association Statutes
- Audit Committee - consisting of members as defined in the Statutes.
- The General Meeting of Members of the Association shall elect from among its members by secret ballot, by an absolute majority of votes, in the presence of at least half of the members entitled to vote:
- Board of Directors in a number to be determined by the general meeting,
- The Audit Committee in a number to be determined by the General Assembly.
III. Dismissal and re-election of members of the authorities § 10
- The General Assembly, on its own initiative or at the request of the Audit Committee, may dismiss the President or individual members of the Association's authorities - in particularly justified cases. To the dismissal of the members of the authorities, § 9, item 2 of these regulations applies accordingly.
- The General Assembly may appoint extraordinary committees to investigate a specific matter. In appointing such committees, the General Meeting shall determine the purpose, rules and procedure for their operation.
- In the event of a vacancy in the individual functions of the authorities of the Association, § .... shall apply. of the Association's Articles of Association The by-elections are held according to the procedure defined in § 7 of these Rules of Procedure.
IV. Voting § 11
- Voting is carried out by the chairman of the meeting with the assistance of the Ballot Committee.
- The following method of voting is established:
- members of the board of directors - not more than as many names of candidates for the board of directors as are provided for in the articles of association shall be elected on the ballot paper.
- members of the audit committee - not more than as many names of candidates for the audit committee as the statutes provide for shall be elected on the ballot paper.
- An X against the name for which the vote is cast is considered valid. Adding other names or other remarks makes the vote invalid.
- A vote cast on a ballot paper other than the one specified shall be deemed invalid, as well as if a choice is made on the ballot paper by placing an X next to more names than specified in § 9, paragraph 1 of these Rules.
- If no candidate has obtained an absolute majority in the first ballot, the name of the candidate who has received the least number of votes shall be removed from the list of candidates in subsequent ballots.
- The authorities of the Association shall be constituted within 2 days of their election.
- Other voting, except on the election and dismissal of the authorities of the Association, shall take place openly.
- At the request of ¼ of the members of the Association present at the General Meeting, the President shall order a secret ballot on other matters on the agenda.
V. Adoption of resolutions § 12
- Resolutions of the General Meeting shall be adopted by a simple majority of votes, in an open vote, in the presence of more than half of the total number of ordinary members of the Association.
- In the absence of a quorum, the Chair shall, after consultation with the recorder, appoint a vote on the resolution on the same day, 15 minutes after the first deadline, irrespective of the number of persons entitled to vote.
VI. Consideration of matters of the work plan, budget and discharge § 13
- Drafts of the work plan submitted to the General Meeting shall be adopted after discussion in accordance with the procedure set out in § 12, paragraph 1 of these rules.
- In accordance with the procedure set out in paragraph 1, the General Assembly shall consider and adopt reports on the implementation of the work plan and budget.
- The Audit Committee, after a detailed check of the implementation of the work plan, budget and resolutions adopted at the previous reporting General Assembly, shall, in the event of a positive (or negative) result of this check, submit to the General Assembly for a vote a motion to grant (or not) discharge to the Executive Board. Voting takes place according to the procedure set out in paragraph 1.
VII. Terms of Reference for the General Assembly bodies § 14
The exclusive competence of the General Assembly is to deal with the matters mentioned in the statutes concerning its competence.§ 15
- The Chairperson of the General Meeting conducts the meeting in accordance with the agenda and ensures that it complies with the Statutes and these Rules of Procedure, in particular:
- presents to the meeting for approval the agreed agenda of the meeting and any proposals for amending the agenda
- prescribes the election of the minutes of the meeting
- checks the attendance list with the assistance of the Credentials Committee and establishes the legitimacy of the meeting,
- gives the floor to members on a first-come, first-served basis,
- ensures peace and order in the meetings and issues the relevant procedural orders,
- explains the voting method and determines the order of voting,
- take other actions resulting from the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly
- having exhausted the items on the agenda, announces the resolutions adopted and closes the General Meeting.
- Credentials Committee
- verifies the rights of the participants in the general meeting (i.e., e.g., their personalities, if they are not known to her personally),
- checks the attendance list against the list of those entitled to attend the general meeting;
- checks that voting slips and ballot papers have been properly issued to participants;
- The Election Commission shall organise the elections
- The Ballot-Counting Committee counts the votes cast for, against or abstaining during the voting.
- The Motions Committee shall record in the minutes the motions made during the discussion, put them to the vote and, if adopted by the meeting, forward them to the minutes clerk for inclusion in the minutes of the general meeting.
- Members of the Election Committee and the Ballot-Counting Committee may not stand for election. It is permissible to appoint one joint Election and Ballot-Counting Committee.
VIII. Extraordinary General Meeting § 16
- An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened in accordance with the procedure and rules set out in the Association's Articles of Association.
- An Extraordinary General Meeting may be held at any time and shall only deliberate on matters for which it has been convened.
- The provisions of these Rules of Procedure shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Extraordinary General Meeting.
IX. Final provisions § 17
- Matters of procedure not covered by these Rules of Procedure shall be decided by the Chairperson of the General Meeting in accordance with the provisions of the Statutes and the generally accepted rules of procedure.
- These Rules may be amended at the request of the Board of Directors or a group of 15 members of the Association.
- An amendment to the provisions of the Rules of Procedure shall be adopted by resolution.
§ 18
The bylaws were adopted by the General Assembly on 14.04.2018 and come into force upon adoption.