UN IN CAMBODIA 1992 - 1993
These statutes are the statutes of
Association of Veterans of the United Nations Peace Mission in Cambodia 1992-1993"
(United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia-UNTAC) - using the
in social media of the name "Zabujani in Cambodia"- (hereinafter: "the Association").
The Veterans of the UN peacekeeping operation in Cambodia, the families of deceased Veterans and supporters, gathered in the Association, are a community of people dedicated to the memory of the completed peacekeeping operation in Cambodia and to the good name of the Polish Soldier carrying out peacekeeping tasks in the world.
For many veterans, Operation UNTAC has become part of life and military service,
and through their commitment to the service of Peace, the performance of their tasks during peacekeeping operations earned them high national and international recognition. The pride and honour of the Polish Soldier was proudly represented and celebrated by the Soldiers of the Polish Military Contingent while performing this honourable service. This event and each of the soldiers taking part in it deserves to be remembered by all means - regardless of their rank
and the position held during UNTAC operations.
As a social organisation, the Association wishes to promote the memory of Operation UNTAC and to uphold the good name of the veteran soldiers who took part in it.
General provisions
§ 1.
1 The Association is a non-governmental organisation and has legal personality.
(2) In its international contacts, the Association, in addition to the Polish name, may use a translation of the name in English: "Polish Association of Veterans in Peacekeeping Operation - United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia".
3. the Association may be a member of national and international organisations
with a similar objective.
§ 2.
The area of operation of the Association is the territory of the Republic of Poland, and for the proper implementation of its objectives, the Association may also conduct activities outside its borders.
The seat of the authorities of the Association is the town of Stargard.
(3) The name "Zabujani in Cambodia" may be legally reserved.
§ 3.
(1) The Association independently determines its objectives, programmes of activities and organisational structures and adopts internal acts defining its activities.
(2) The Association may have its own emblem, flag, pennant and trademarks and may use seals, clothing and organisational badges.
(3) The Association may have the status of a public benefit organisation.
4 The Association bases its activities on the voluntary work of its members.
5 The Association may employ staff to manage its affairs.
(6) The Association may carry out business and agricultural activities in order to raise funds for its statutory activities. Regulated activities, including those requiring permits or concessions, shall be carried out by the Association in accordance with the relevant regulations governing such activities. Starting
of the aforementioned activities requires a resolution of the General Meeting and notification of
and registered in accordance with the relevant legislation.
§ 4.
1 The Association is politically, religiously, ethnically and racially neutral.
(2) The Association may be a member of national and international organisations with the same or similar programme objectives.
(3) The Association shall operate on the basis of these Articles of Association and in accordance with the applicable provisions of common law.
Objectives and means of achieving them
§ 5.
1 The Association has the following objectives:
1) Promoting knowledge and remembrance of the UNTAC Peacekeeping Operation - 1992-1993;
2) To disseminate knowledge of the country, people and history of Cambodia in Poland;
3) Integration of the UNTAC Peacekeeping Operations Veterans community.
and supporters;
4) supporting and promoting peaceful solutions to international disputes and conflicts;
5. representing the interests of Veterans before the authorities of national institutions
and international;
6) cultivating national military traditions, nurturing patriotism as a factor in the development of national, civic awareness
and culture;
7) taking and supporting initiatives for the training, education, upbringing of young people in the spirit of patriotism, respect and tolerance;
8) To patronise and name at least one educational institution in Poland after "Operation Peacekeeping UNTAC";
9) The patronage and naming of at least one educational institution in Cambodia after "Peacekeeping Operation UNTAC";
10) Supporting a school or orphanage in Cambodia in particular by : organising financial assistance in the form of voluntary donations, fundraising or donating funds collected at charity events or by other means
11. providing material assistance to UNTAC veterans in difficult life situations, in particular by : organising financial assistance in the form of voluntary donations, fund-raising or the transfer of funds collected at charity events or by other means
(2) The Association pursues its objectives in particular by carrying out its tasks in the framework of unpaid activities:
1) to coordinate and support the statutory activities of its members ;
2) to establish cooperation and collaboration with other associations, veterans' organisations, legal entities, local authorities and other institutions and organisations at home and abroad;
3) Participation in conventions and conferences at home and abroad;
4) to appear before public authorities and other public institutions on matters which are the subject of the Association's statutory activity;
5) to make representations to authorities and institutions in support of initiatives and proposals relating to the Association's statutory activities;
6) initiating and giving an opinion on legislation affecting the Association's statutory activities, in particular the commemoration of UNTAC peacekeeping operations and its soldiers;
7) cooperation with the competent authorities responsible for national defence;
8) awarding badges of honour, diplomas and other distinctions;
9) Exchange of knowledge on UN peacekeeping operations and other peacekeeping activities involving a military component;
10) the cultivation of military traditions, the formation of ethical principles among members of the Association;
11) to cherish the memory of deceased veterans of UNTAC Peacekeeping Operations.
12) to organise and participate in the organisation of courses, congresses, scientific conferences, cooperation with scientific institutions and researchers in the field of history.
13) carrying out publishing and dissemination activities;
Members, their rights and obligations.
§ 6.
(1) A member of the Association may be a citizen of the Republic of Poland and a foreigner, having full legal capacity and not being deprived of public rights, and also, as a supporting member, a legal person.
(2) Membership of the Association shall be open to any participant, soldier or civilian employee, of the UNTAC Peacekeeping Operation 1992-1993, the United Nations Advance Mission in Cambodia (UNAMIC), or any person interested in the subject of peace operations and/or Cambodia.
3. minors between the ages of 16 and 18 may belong to the association and benefit from the
the active and passive right to vote, with the proviso that the majority of the Association's Board of Directors must be made up of persons with full legal capacity.
(4) Minors under the age of 16 may, with the consent of their legal representatives, belong to the association without the right to vote at general membership meetings and without the right to vote or be elected to the governing bodies of the association.
5 The members of the Association are divided into:
1) ordinary;
2) honorary;
3) supporting;
6. Ordinary members may be natural persons wishing to actively pursue the Association's statutory objectives.
(7) Honorary Memberships may be awarded to individuals who are particularly distinguished in promoting the memory of the UNTAC Peacekeeping Operation.
(8) Individuals or legal entities that support the activities of the Association and declare their services to the Association may become supporting members.
9. Persons who are not citizens of the Republic of Poland and who do not have permanent residence in the territory of the Republic of Poland may only be honorary or supporting members of the Association.
§ 7.
(1) Ordinary, supporting and associate members are admitted by decision of the Board of the Association on the basis of a completed membership declaration. The Association's Board of Directors may authorise the Presidium of the Board of Directors to decide on the admission of members.
(2) The title of honorary member of the Association shall be conferred on individuals, for outstanding activity in promoting the memory of the UNTAC Peacekeeping Operation, by the General Assembly at the proposal of the Board of Directors of the Association.
§ 8.
(1) Ordinary members are obliged to:
1) pursue the objectives of the Association;
2) take an active part in the Association's activities ;
3) observe the provisions of the Statutes, resolutions, orders of the Association's authorities and represent the Association with dignity;
4) pay regular membership fees.
(2) Ordinary members of the Association have the right:
1) elect and be elected to the authorities of the Association;
2) wear the Association's organisational dress and badges;
3) use the equipment and infrastructure of the Association, under the rules of the Association.
(3) Honorary members have all the rights of ordinary members and are exempt from paying membership fees.
4 Supporting members are obliged to:
1) promote the Association's statutory objectives;
2) to fulfil the declared services to the Association
(5) The Board of Directors of the Association shall have the right to determine additional rights and related obligations concerning the members of the Association.
(6) Members of the Association may be awarded with diplomas of appreciation and badges of honour for their active participation in the realisation of the objectives of the Association. The rules of honouring and models of badges and distinctions are determined by the Board of the Association.
7 Members of the Association, who do not observe the general ethical norms, rules of social and comradely co-existence or who act to the detriment of the Association or who violate the provisions of the Statutes or other internal regulations of the Association, are subject to organisational penalties:
1) admonitions;
2) reprimands;
3) suspension from membership for up to two years;
4) exclusion from the Association.
(8) The imposition of the organisational penalties referred to in paragraph 7. shall be decided by the collegiate court.
on its own initiative or at the request of the Association Board or at the request of a member of the Association . The penalized member, as well as the Board of the Association or any other applicant, has the right to appeal against the decision of the Peer Court to the General Assembly of the Association within 30 days from the date of receiving the decision. The appeal is addressed to the Peer Court, which is obliged to forward it to the Board, and the Board is obliged to present the appeal for consideration at the next General Assembly.
§ 9.
Membership of the Association shall cease in the event of:
1) the death of the member;
2) to withdraw voluntarily, of which the member is obliged to give 30 days' written notice to the Board of the Association;
3) expulsion from the list of members by the Executive Board due to unjustified arrears of membership fees for more than 6 months;
4) removal from the list of supporting members by the Association Board
in the event of non-compliance with the declared services;
5) the validity of the decision to exclude from the Association;
6) loss of public rights.
Principles of the Association.
§ 10.
(1) Elections of the authorities of the Association shall be held by secret ballot.
(2) The term of office of the authorities of the Association shall be four years.
(3) Members elected to the authorities of the Association may at the same time be members of only one body, i.e. the Board, the Audit Committee or the Peer Court. A member of the Association's Board may not: be a person who has been sentenced by a final sentence for an intentional crime or an intentional fiscal crime prosecuted by public indictment.
(4) Only persons who are not employees of the Association may be members of the Audit Committee of the Association.
5. resolutions of the Association's authorities are adopted by an absolute majority of votes
in the presence of at least ½ of the total number of persons entitled to vote.
(6) Resolutions on amendments to the Articles of Association shall require a two-thirds majority in the presence of at least ¼ of the total number of persons entitled to vote.
(7) Resolutions on a motion to dissolve the Association shall require a majority of ¾ votes in the presence of at least 2/3 of the total number of persons entitled to vote.
(8) Resolutions shall be adopted by open ballot. At the request of a majority of those entitled to vote, resolutions may be taken by secret ballot.
Association authorities.
§ 11.
The authorities of the Association are:
1) General Assembly ;
2) The Board of the Association;
3) Audit Committee;
4) Collegiate Court.
A. General Assembly of the Association.
§ 12.
The General Assembly is the supreme authority of the Association.
(2) The General Assembly may be ordinary or extraordinary.
(3) The reporting General Assembly shall be convened at least once a year,
and ordinary reporting and election meetings once every four years.
4 The Extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened at the request of:
1) the Board of the Association;
2) the Audit Committee ;
3) at least 1/3 of the total number of ordinary members, submitted in writing to the Association Board
(5) The Extraordinary General Meeting should be held no later than 30 days from the date of the request.
(6) The General Assembly shall be convened by the Board of Directors, which shall notify the ordinary, honorary and supporting members who are natural persons in writing or by electronic means, stating the date, place and agenda at least 14 days before the assembly.
(7) Ordinary members shall participate in the General Assembly with a casting vote.
and honorary members aged 16 and over, as well as invitees in an advisory capacity.
8 The General Assembly shall be valid at the first date if at least ½ of the total number of members are present , and at the second date regardless of the number of members present .
§ 13.
In particular, the General Assembly is responsible for:
1) setting the Association's programmes of activities ;
2) to determine the amount and terms of payment of the membership fee;
3) Adopting resolutions on property and business matters;
4) to consider and approve the reports of the Association's Board of Directors and the reports and conclusions of the Audit Committee and the Peer Court;
5) the election of members of the board of directors, the audit committee and the college court;
6) granting discharge to the outgoing Management Board;
7) to consider other matters referred to the General Assembly by the Board of Directors, the Audit Committee or the Peer Court, as well as motions and appeals submitted by members of the Association at least 14 days before the date of the General Assembly;
8) passing a resolution to dissolve the Association;
9) granting permission to dispose of real estate exceeding the scope of ordinary management
10. adopting amendments to the Association's statutes.
§ 14.
The Extraordinary General Meeting shall consider the matters that constituted the purpose for which it was convened and adopt resolutions in this regard.
B. Board of Directors of the Association .
§ 15.
(1) In the period between General Assemblies, the highest authority of the Association is the Board of Directors, which is accountable for its activities to the General Assembly .
2 The Board of Directors of the Association shall in particular:
1) implementing the resolutions of the General Assembly;
2) to draw up programmes of activities of the Association and to adopt reports on their implementation;
3) approving the budget estimates and balance sheet;
4) to set up and dissolve specialised sections and other links, to adopt their rules of procedure and to supervise and coordinate their activities;
5) convening general meetings;
§ 16.
(1) The Board of Directors of the Association shall consist of persons elected by the General Assembly in a number to be determined by the General Assembly.
(2) The Board of Directors may co-opt new members to fill vacant seats up to a maximum of 1/3 of the number of elected members. If, during the term of office, the number of Board members falls below 2/3 of the elected members, the Board is obliged to call a General Meeting to hold a by-election. The term of office of the members so elected lasts until the end of the term of office of the originally elected Board.
(3) Meetings of the Executive Board shall be held as and when required, but at least once every three months.
§ 17.
(1) The Board of Directors of the Association shall elect from among its members a presidium in a number to be determined by it, including a president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer and 2 (two) members.
(2) The Bureau of the Management Board shall act on behalf of the Management Board in the periods between meetings of the Management Board.
3. meetings of the Bureau shall be convened by the President or, on his authority, by the Vice-President
as required.
(4) The tasks of the Bureau and its terms of reference shall be determined by the Association's Board of Directors.
C. Audit Committee of the Association.
§ 18.
1. the Audit Committee controls all statutory activities of the Association
and reports on its activities to the general assembly.
(2) The Audit Committee of the Association shall consist of a minimum of 3 members - in the number determined by the General Assembly. The Audit Committee elects from among its members a chairperson, a deputy chairperson and a secretary. The Audit Committee may co-opt new members to fill vacancies in its composition.
of no more than 1/3 of the elected number of members.
(3) The audit committee shall meet as and when required, but at least once every six months.
4 The tasks of the audit committee are:
1) to inspect the overall statutory activities of the Association at least once a year;
2) to submit to the Association Board the proposals arising from
of the findings of the audit and requesting the rectification of the deficiencies identified;
3) proposing a motion to discharge the outgoing Association Board.
5. the delegated member of the Audit Committee shall take part in the meetings of the Board of Directors
and the Bureau of the Management Board.
D. Collegiate Court of the Association.
§ 19.
(1) The Peer Court shall consist of a minimum of 3 members - the number to be determined by the General Assembly .
(2) The College Court shall elect a President, a Vice-President and a Secretary from among its members. The Collegiate Court may co-opt new members to fill vacancies, up to a maximum of one third of the number of members elected.
(3) The Peer Court adjudicates in at least three-person panels cases concerning the conduct of members who violate the Association's statutes and act to the detriment of the Association. The decisions of the Peer Court may be appealed to the General Assembly of the Association.
(4) Meetings of the college court shall be held as and when required.
(5) The College Court shall report on its activities to the General Assembly .
Property and non-property rights. Business activities.
§ 20.
1. the Association may carry out economic activities in accordance with the Law
on associations and other relevant legislation
In particular, it carries out economic activities to raise funds for the achievement of its statutory objectives and to the extent necessary to achieve its statutory objectives.
2.All business income is used for statutory activities.
Assets of the Association. Rules of representation.
§ 21.
1. the disposition of the Association's assets, including disposal and encumbrance, is to
in the sole discretion of the Association's Board of Directors, whereby disposition of the Association's real estate exceeding the scope of ordinary management requires a decision in the form of a prior resolution of the Association's General Assembly.
(2) The assets of the Association consist of real estate, movable property, funds and property rights.
(3) The funds of the Association shall consist in particular of:
1) Income from organised events, publications;
2) donations, bequests and inheritances;
3) income earned from business activities;
4) Grants;
5) income from community donations;
6) income from own assets;
7) membership fees.
(4) The following signatures are required for the validity of contracts, commitments, powers of attorney and other declarations of intent: on behalf of the Association - the President or Vice-President of the Association.
5. documents and letters related to the current activities of the Association shall be signed by the President of the Board.
6 In the case of obtaining the status of a public benefit organisation, it is prohibited:
1) granting loans or securing liabilities with the Association's assets in relation to its members, members of its authorities or employees as well as their relatives within the meaning of the Act of 24 April 2003 on public benefit activity and voluntary work;
2) transfer the assets of the Association for the benefit of its members, members of its authorities or employees and their relatives, on principles other than
in relation to third parties, in particular if the transfer is made free of charge or on preferential terms;
3) use the assets for the benefit of members, members of the authorities or employees and their relatives on principles other than in relation to third parties, unless this use results directly from the statutory purpose of the Association ;
4) the purchase of goods or services from entities on a special basis,
in which members of the Association, members of the Association's authorities, employees and their relatives participate.
§ 22.
In the event of bankruptcy or liquidation, the Association's assets are dissolved,
to the extent not disposed of in accordance with applicable law, shall be allocated to the purposes set out in the resolution of the General Meeting
on the winding-up of the Association.
§ 23.
If the General Assembly fails to adopt the unified text of the Articles of Association as amended, such unified text of the Articles of Association to be submitted to the registry court shall be drawn up by the Board of the Association in the form of a resolution adopted no later than
within 30 days of the adoption of any amendment to the Articles of Association.